Jilin Panorama

¿Remember that movie ¨Wayne´s World¨? Back in the day, a friend of mine made up a song, using the music from Wayne´s world and substitued Wayne for Huang. I think it went like: ¨Huang´s world, Huang´s world, Chinese food...¨ Anyhoo, the following is on my adventures in life.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Dumplings! (饺子 - Jiao zi)

One of our favorite foods in Jilin is dumplings. We were disappointed before because we missed the festival when each person is supposed to eat 100 dumplings, regardless, we've eaten our fair share of dumplings here.

Thus, this past Saturday, Matt, Kevin, Jim, Jenny and I went shopping to make a whole bunch of dumplings. It was a success and by the end of the night, we had our share plus tons to freeze. We spent several hours chopping, rolling out dough, making and boiling dumplings, oh and of course, eating our product, while we worked.
Kevin, the dough master

Rolling out the dough into small patties
(Can you tell which hands are mine?)

Dumpling stuffing: assorted meats and egg based fillings

Jim, Kevin, Jenny and I working the dough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

custom made. i like it,delicious