Jilin Panorama

¿Remember that movie ¨Wayne´s World¨? Back in the day, a friend of mine made up a song, using the music from Wayne´s world and substitued Wayne for Huang. I think it went like: ¨Huang´s world, Huang´s world, Chinese food...¨ Anyhoo, the following is on my adventures in life.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

First day of Teaching

Yesterday, I had my first teaching class with doctors. I arrived to class 15 minutes early so that I could get situated and make a seating chart. I was sitting down when 2 women walked in and they were shocked to see me sitting at the front of the classroom. And then, no one else came. *tear* I only had a pair of students for my first class ever.

I made the best of the situation, quietly discarding my prized seating plan, and started off with trying to clear the confusion about why a "youngster" was teaching them medical English. After that road bump, the class turned out great. They introduced themselves and then I went into my life story.

My original lesson plan was based for...well, let's just say, more than 2 people. So I jumped into anatomy and practicing saying all the different body parts/organs so that they could practice their pronunciation. From what I gather, they want to be able to teach in their respective fields to English speaking medical students. Also, there are more than 2 people enrolled in the class, I think more will show up tomorrow.

For lunch, Kevin, Eric (Chinese guy who speaks English well, studied abroad in Alabama for 2 years), and I went into Jilin downtown for some homemade noodles (la mien). We each had a big plate of food with drinks and it came out to be 20 RMB (a little less than 3 dollars!)! The cost of living here is super cheap.

The bus ride home was a bit disturbing, we passed an overturned motorcycle with a huge crowd surrounding the rider, next to a mini-mac truck with a shattered windshield. I think the guy was still alive with massive injuries, but Kevin thought the guy probably died. Either way, this is a testament to the chaos that ensues on the roads here. People go ridiculous speeds to pass on the road, there are cars trying to cut in, pedestrians are playing "frogger" with the cars, and they definitely do not have 'the right of way.'

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