Jilin Panorama

¿Remember that movie ¨Wayne´s World¨? Back in the day, a friend of mine made up a song, using the music from Wayne´s world and substitued Wayne for Huang. I think it went like: ¨Huang´s world, Huang´s world, Chinese food...¨ Anyhoo, the following is on my adventures in life.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Same same but different

Its been almost a week, since I've arrived in Cambodia. Cambodia thus far has been a beautiful country. From the ancient temples at Angkor Wat to a boat ride from Siem Reap to Battambang (9 hours, but it was fun), passing through rural river villages, the country thus far has been a pleasure visit.

Same, Same but different is a phrase that is rampantly used here and has even made it to the T-Shrit market (I just got one, in a snazzy jean-blue color). Its a funny phrase and I've enjoyed hearing it and using it in the markets and whatnot.

I've been delighted with the smiling children, running around the streets and playing in the river. Everywhere, Carolyn and I go, there are always packs of toddlers and children waving their hands at us, saying hello and giving us the biggest grins in the world.

From what I have witnessed, the people, today, are strong, resilient and witty and always willing to send a smile your way. Its amazing to see such joy in light of the tragedies that Cambodia has faced. First the mass genocide under Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, and then the mass famine after his downfall. We visited some of the sights of the mass executions and graves, which was a somber and emotionally moving experience. Its hard to believe that places like high schools were turned into prisons and places of torture. Its hard to believe that these atrocities only took place a mere 30 years ago and what's even more sad is that there are still mass genocide still occurring!

1 comment:

Matthew Fitzgerald said...

That "Same Same but Different" is everywhere. I've seen it since Malaysia and hasn't been absent since. I had the same feeling when I visited Cambodia: great people, awful past, crushing poverty. Anyway, hope Laos proves to be just as fruitful.