Jilin Panorama

¿Remember that movie ¨Wayne´s World¨? Back in the day, a friend of mine made up a song, using the music from Wayne´s world and substitued Wayne for Huang. I think it went like: ¨Huang´s world, Huang´s world, Chinese food...¨ Anyhoo, the following is on my adventures in life.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Birthday Fun

I turned 27 years old yesterday and at first I thought, "eh, its only 27" but when it actually happened, I felt odd as I am only 3 years away from 30. Maybe its because most of the people in the program are younger than me that has made me feel old. For example, I had mentioned that my high school classmates are planning our 10th year reunion and my friends in the cab were shocked. One of them said that in 1998, he was in seventh grade!

Regardless of turning 27, yesterday was interesting for me because I've started to delve into the paradigms of being an "ABC" (American Born Chinese) and now living in . I've heard mixed feelings from the couple of Chinese-American Teachers who have already gone through the program.

Their students could not fathom how someone who looks like them could not speak their language, which is my case and kind of exemplifies the "ABC" phenomenon Furthermore, they experienced some discrimination by other Asians! When the foreigners sat at a dinner table, they made the ABCs eat at a different table because even though they were American, they still looked Chinese and were not worthy enough to eat at the visitors' table.

I had some anticipation of this sort of treatment, after all, I experience it all the time in the US. Questions like "so, where are you from?" my answer: Connecticut, their response "no, I meant where are you from?" my answer: Connecticut. Nevertheless, in a way, I was hoping to find some sort of connection, besides appearance, with my Chinese ancestry. I guess we'll have to see how it plays out.

In keeping with my Asian heritage, I took a pose with Bruce Lee:

Anyhoo, I had a great birthday. The folks in the program were super great and got me a cake and card. We went out to Victoria Peak which has some spectacular, panoramic views of Kowloon.

Usually, when I stand on the balcony, there are clear views of the beach and somewhat out into the ocean, but yesterday, I was able to see the islands and beyond because it was there were no clouds or pollution. This was the perfect set up for going up to Victoria Peak, and I took a video and am digging this new video option on blogspot:


Anonymous said...

So beautiful! And it's good to hear your voice! (from katie l)

Anonymous said...

dude--30 is not so bad! it's been fun reading all of your adventures. Sean O'B